Sales Skills

Sales Skills are Developed

Sales Skills are developed through learning and consistent practice. In sports we’ve all heard “no pain no gain”. What pain are you going through right now to obtain the sales skills you need? What sales books are you reading or what audio-books are you listening to, or both. Whether the sales skills you need are, prospecting, handling objections, closing the sale or any of the other sales skills we need to develop, you need to practice, drill, rehearse and obtain feed back.I buy both the digital book and the audio book. I can get through an audio book much faster than I can read a book. So at times I will be listening to one audio book and reading a different digital book.

You may be wondering why would I have the same book in 2 different formats. This is easy, I like to listen to books to get through the material faster then I go back and read the book or just highlight the areas I deem important to me.

Back to the no pain no gain. Sales is the highest paid hard work and the lowest paid easy work. What are you doing to improve your sales skills on a regular basis? Do you think you can get in shape by not exercising regularly? Oh, I am sorry maybe> you are out of shape.  Both physically and the condition of your sales.

Dedicate 50 minutes a day to improving your sales craft. Whether it is reading, listening to an audio book, or practicing the sales skills you just learned.  Unless you dedicate time to take care of this development 1st, nothing will change for you. I am one of those weird kind of people who can actually workout on the elliptical machine while listening to music and reading a digital book on my IPad. And I can do this with great comprehension. Your thirst for sales knowledge is one of the things you can control and will increase your financial situation. Imagine taking a loved one to a doctor who decided not to stay current with the medical industry. Would you be okay with this? I would certainly hope not. Just like medical skills and techniques, sales skills and sales techniques always need to be improved, studied and practiced.

Learn how to learn.

Try any and everything an anything.  By any means necessary to figure out how you learn best or how your Sales Teams Learn Best. My experience has been to review material at least  6 times to achieve a 68% retention of the material.

Try at least 3 of these methods to your Sales Skills:

1. Read and Highlight

2. Listen to audio books and voice record key points you want to review

3. Write up all of your highlights

4. Practice the sales skills you just learned

5. Voice record yourself using the new knowledge

6. Present using the sales info in front of a mirror

7. Role play with your team, family and friends

8. Learn to role play on the spot when asked. You never know who you may be standing next to and you have to present at that present moment

9. More Sales learning techniques to come in the future sales blogs

If you can not handle the pain, work at the mall, because you will never make 6 figures much less 7 figures.

The Pain is worth the Gain.

Are you reaching your Potential Sales?

  • Alfonso Castaneira
    Posted at 18:35h, 10 May Reply

    Hey Victor,

    This stuff is amazing! Love the viewpoint.

  • Victor
    Posted at 18:45h, 10 May Reply

    Thank you. Continuing developing your sales skills. Reach your Potential

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