24 Sep Is there a secret for success in sales?
Here is part of the secret for successful sales?
The secret to successful sales is not about low cost, best price, famous brand name, the most features or quality and performances. Is it because of the popular brand name? Or is it due to several features a product has?
The secret to successful sales is building trust with the client. When a client sees you as a trusted advsior, they believe that you will deliver on your promises of quality, and performance. If the client cannot trust you then you have nothing to offer. Once you are not trusted then your promises are not believable. It is vital to build a good reputation with the client by building trust and confidence not just for a while but for times to come.
Now, how do you establish trust and rapport quickly? You build trust by first researching the client and knowing a little background on them. This is easily done today via Linkedin or the internet. The the most important part is for the client to see you as an expert advisor regarding how your products and services can help solve their challenges for growth. This is done by asking tough questions regarding the common problems your current clients had or have that your products or services have resolved.
You want to ask questions that solicit the following answers:
The objective here is to ask questions that you know they are more likely to anwer as stated above. This accomplishes a few things:
- You are being consultative
- You are trying to get to the root of their real challenges (for them and the other departments)
- You are lsitening more then talking
- You are determining if they have challenges you can fix.
What you are doing here is uncovering their needs not telling them everything you do and hoping someting will catch their attention. (NO Showing Up and Throwing Up)
If you uncover that the problems they have your products and services cannot fix, then let them know and walk out. They will respect you for it. If you can, refer them to someone who can fix their problems. Referrals will pour in.
When establishing trust and confidence, it is important to know what your product and services have to offer. Always be honest with yourself before you can be honest with anyone else. The ability to communicate effectively and honestly after the sale is as important as the ability to recognize risk before the sale.
If the product or service you offered solves the clients needs and requirements, then it is appropriate to expect them to trust and respect you.
Concentrate on the success of your client and a lot of them will reward your dedication with loyalty and referrals. This will cause you to grow both professionally and personally.
Everything about sales has to do with the client and not the sales person. This way the client will value your products and services by investing in them and making a purchase.
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