Infinite Banking To Build Independent Wealth And Security As Seen On:

Take our Wealth Profile Quiz and discover the best way to gain financial freedom based on your current spending and investment habits.
Cutting up every credit card you own because everything you want and need is funded with the balance of your own, independent banking system.
Up to your eyeballs in debt? Been there, $120k in the red. Have no idea where your money goes or how to finally get ahead? Been there, drowning and desperate, too.
After years of that, and then getting completely sidelined by a sudden layoff, we had no choice but to take action and figure out how to not just significantly increase our income…
… but do it in a way that let us own our own lifestyles – instead of borrowing them from our employers or the bank – so that everything we worked so hard for could never be taken away in an instant again.
(No matter what’s going on in the world or the economy.)
Have you been “thinking about”, “researching”, or “planning” to start investing, taking your financials more seriously, or putting away for your future for years…
… but always end up sidetracked by “things” coming up?
We’ve been there. And we can safely say… once we realized ONE critical truth about financial independence, everything changed. So what was it?
Financial independence is not hard, mysterious, or unrealistic: it’s math.
Money in versus money out. It’s that simple.
That’s how we went from $120,000 in debt, to 100% debt-free, to financially free, to completely owning our own lifestyles (without having to become millionaires to do it!).
We’ll debunk everything you’ve been taught about money (since almost ALL of it is wrong)
Discover the real rules of the money game that only banks and the wealthy elite know
Learn the simple process for creating an independent bank account that actually sets you free
Born in New York raised in New Jersey, Victor now resides in South Florida.
He was lab lecturer for an MB.A. class in sales management and a under grad class on professional selling at Nova Southeastern University’s Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship.
In 2003, Victor returned to South Florida from Georgia to head up the sales for a stagnant publicly traded insurance company. Through his sales culture building philosophy the company went through explosive growth. Within 24 months the company went from 32 million in sales in one state to 110 million in 5 states raising it’s stock price 1200%.
In 2008 Victor along with a partner raised $16 million in private investment to start his own insurance company. Victor was instrumental in architecting the company’s state of the art technology systems and sales culture. The company over the last 4 years has generated more than 40 million in sales.
For the last 8 years he has been built his 5th company (A Leading Sales Development Company) which has been a passion all his life, advising, coaching and speaking with companies focused on sales development.
Generated over $75 Million in wealth for our clients – without traditional, risky, and slow investments
Consulted over 300 financial advisors to build value and independent wealth for their clients
Created a successful mastermind for likeminded financial enthusiasts to share the secrets we discovered
After following all the “traditional” and “safe” methods society gives us to get ahead – and then losing everything overnight back in 2014 – we were able to become truly financially independent and take ownership of our own lifestyles. How?
With the same, little-known system banks and wealthy families use to create, maintain, and protect their wealth:
Turns out, the upper class really is playing by a different set of rules when it comes to money-making, managing, and multiplying.
We discovered these hidden rules directly from wealthy private investors using “creative financing” for our successful real estate “flipping” business back in 2015.
Once we figured out how they were doing it – and saw the results of their system first-hand in our own lives – we knew we needed to share this vitally important information with everyone and anyone looking to break free and become truly independent…
… and Wealth Nation was born.
Breaking Down The Science of The And Asset and Why It Is Considered The Most Powerful Asset On Earth.
Breaking Down The Science of The And Asset and Why It Is Considered The Most Powerful Asset On Earth.